Life: My Move into the Freelance World

It’s a bit of a chatty post today as I wanted to talk about my move into the freelance world; what led me to make the move, how I’m finding it and useful books and resources that I’ve found. Why…

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Life: 5 ways to organise your life

Looking for 5 ways to organise your life? Look no further! I’ve always been very organised and I love feeling on top of everything – as hard as that is when you have a toddler. I am a big fan…

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Parenting: Lessons from my parents

I’ve loved writing this post and thinking more closely about how my parents brought up me, my brother and sister and the lessons they have taught me. How you’re brought up has such an impact on how you parent; whether…

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Lincoln: 5 child friendly places to visit in Lincoln

Looking for some child friendly places to visit in Lincoln? We moved to the city of Lincoln in 2018, although my parents moved in 2013 so I’d visited many times beforehand. Since moving, we have been exploring what this great…

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Parenting: Florence’s 21 month routine

I meant to do these posts regularly after posting Florence’s 5 month routine but hey ho, 17 months later and here we are – we’re now on her 21 month old routine! Obviously her routine is slightly different with being in…

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Life: 10 Sustainable Changes I’ve made

Since having Florence I have become far more conscious about the environment, sustainability and how we can make small (or big) changes to our lifestyle to help. I love how sustainability has become so much more prominent and that brands…

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Life: 10 Silver Linings to Lockdown

I have to of course preface this blogpost by saying that I would never have wanted this whole situation to happen but for me, there have been a few silver linings to come out of lockdown so I thought I’d…

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Beauty: Let’s Talk Beauty Pie!

I first heard about Beauty Pie over a year ago but didn’t pay it much attention – Florence was so little and beauty products were one of the last things on my mind, but a year on and with more…

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Life: Life in Lockdown

Hello! I wanted to write a post to document this strange world that we’re currently living in. I started writing this quite a few weeks ago, after coming back from a supermarket shop – it was my first proper shop…

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